Dec 11, 2017
The eyes have it! A great way for an indie author to expand their audience (cover)

The coast is not really clear for the publishing industry. E-book revenues are down yet again, according to the Association of American Publishers. From January to July of 2017, e-book revenues are down 5% over the same period in 2017. So the book-selling market definitely has the strong potential to grow. But what might be a way for this to happen?

Sharp-eyed millennials are dictating the sales.

Newsflash, guys. We live in a visual world!

For years, we have been bombarded with pictures and videos every waking moment. Cable TV and the Internet did its work - especially with the youngest of us: Millennials and GenZers were influenced the most. Those whose birth years are from the 1980s to the mid-2000s practically emerged from the womb with a bias toward receiving visual information, as Forbes contributor Darren Tristano claims. Furthermore, Millennials - America’s largest generation - are the hottest ticket in marketing!  

Data creators of any kind rely largely on this trend. For example, newsrooms are trying to accommodate the reader of the future, as 82% of millennials return to news sites that regularly use visuals. Social media ads certainly target millennials with visuals. Even restaurants are hooking millennials and Gen Z through visual engagement.

But what about the publishing industry? If Millennials are considered the yummy piece of cake for any marketer, then how do we engage them in reading?

Bid for visual entertainment.

Let’s start with the question “Do millennials read at all”? The surveys say - yes. However, they read differently. They are reading for information, with a purpose and are very good “scanners.” Therefore, a book that is highly visual and that has big colorful pictures might be read well, as Millennial Marketing experts suggest.

Let’s consider it from the point of view of entertainment spending. Here’s total global entertainment spending forecast 2020 in entertainment.

The eyes have it! A great way for an indie author to expand their audience

As we can see, $359.6 million are going to be paid for purchasing home video entertainment. Video games are in second place ($132,4 million). Audio entertainment and consuming books follow – $100,3 million and $74,3 million accordingly.

It’s apparent that visual content of any kind is ahead of the curve!

All this might mean that the new format of books is required. Authors are trying to catch up with this “eyes have it” tendency, publishing numerous book trailers and hunting for the best book covers. But what if we could make the whole book a source of entertainment while fully saving its cultural values?  

Experience books like movies  

CINE-BOOKS is a company helping the best fiction IP owners to go beyond traditional publishing and reach new audiences of visually-perceiving people.

It has introduced a brand-new digital entertainment formatcine-books.

Cine-books are fully illustrated e-books with cinematic high quality illustrations on each page. They can be listened to as audiobooks with professional voice-acting and soundtracks, and watched with animations and special effects in high resolution, including Ultra HD 4K.

Unlike traditional movie adaptations, cine-books keep the full original text of the artwork while also adding a comprehensive and exciting visual side. Readers can easily plunge into the atmosphere of the book, not diverting their attention to extra content as often happens with enhanced books. Learn more about the format!

As previously mentioned, this brand-new format has powerful advantages:

  • Expand your audience by going beyond traditional publishing and reaching visual perceiving people.

  • Rich look of final product allows to set higher prices for books than for e-books

  • No restrictions: any genre, environment, and historical period could be available

  • Unique selling points to launch an effective B2C marketing for your book’s products and cross-promotion.

  • Cinematographic quality of filming and visual effects.

Due to cine-books, we can embrace a visual world we live in!   

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